
Leslie Fieger is a successful entrepreneur whose businesses have produced over $100 million in sales. Additionally, people he has worked with and coached have gone on to create millions of dollars in new wealth for themselves.

Leslie believes that material wealth is one important aspect of creating and living a super-successful life. He defines wealth as a holistic blend of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and material well-being. His focus is on empowering people to understand how they can become conscious creators of their own lives by knowing and applying certain immutable universal principles to craft prosperity and abundance in all areas of life.

Professional Storyteller

Leslie is the author of several books including the world-famous DELFIN Trilogy (The Initiation, The Journey, The Quest), Alexandra’s DragonFire, The Master Key and Your Prosperity Paradigm. His many articles about success creation have been published on hundreds of websites.

Leslie is also an accomplished speaker who has, for the past quarter century, conducted seminars around the world. People who attend his seminars come away empowered to become conscious creators of a fulfilling and successful life.

Inveterate Traveler

Leslie was born on the Canadian Prairie at the peak of the post war Baby Boom, escaped to travel the world and has lived in the Caribbean for the past 12 years.

He loves to hike and has walked hundreds of miles through mountain ranges (the Alps, Andes, Atlas, Cascades and Rockies) and trod through rainforests (Australia, Belize, Costa Rica, Dominica, Peru, St. Vincent). He has also logged about 1,000 scuba dives in various parts of the world.

He has spent time in 40 different countries, visited over 250 cities, zoned out in Zen Temples in Japan, stayed in Ashrams in India, lived with aboriginals in Australia, done sweat lodges and ceremony with Native Americans, slept well in five star resorts, cheap motels, leaky tents and jail cells. Additionally, Leslie estimates that he has enjoyed a cold beer at more than 1,000 beach bars around the world.

Meme Therapist

Our beliefs shape our destiny and define our potential, yet most people do not know why they believe what they believe. Leslie works with people to help them understand that they can choose to discard non-productive beliefs and take on empowering ones.

He has been helping people opt out of limiting mindsets and adopt a Prosperity Paradigm for many years.

Leslie’s self-appointed mission in life is to empower, enlighten and enrich the lives of others.

“A life without passion is not a life; it is merely an existence.”

2 Responses to Bio

  1. spock says:

    You need a good lawyer

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